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19th OANA General Assembly to be held in Moscow in early summer 2025

MOSCOW, September 15. /TASS/. The 19th General Assembly of the Organization of Asia-Pacific News Agencies (OANA) will be held in the early summer of 2025, according to a resolution passed by the 53rd meeting of the OANA Executive Board.
TASS will act at the organizer of the meeting. TASS Director General Andrey Kondrashov thanked the participants in the OANA Executive Board meeting for supporting the agency’s initiative.
“We are very thankful to all for the support for our initiative. We will be glad to welcome you in Moscow and promise to organize this event at the best possible level,” he said.
He noted that OANA agencies are responsible for a huge information flow. “And I am glad that our organization exists not only on paper. Few information associations can boast such results. We never reduce our activity to a couple of lines in a joint statement. We are really workig,” he stressed.
Traditionally, TASS will take over OANA presidency for the next four year after the General Assembly.
The Organization of Asia-Pacific News Agencies was set up at the UNESCO initiative in 1961. Its mission is to promote alternative points of view on global developments and the idea of multi-polar world. It incorporates more than 40 news agencies from 35 countries and is the world’s biggest media organization, with its member states accounting for two thirds of the global information flow.
